Hello guys and welcome to my blog. My name is Yunus Rahman. I am a full-time blogger and the owner of the digital products reviews website servereviews.com

Who am i

NameYunus Rahman
Contact Us[email protected]
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About Founder

Hey, Let me introduce myself quickly, I am Yunus Rahman. I am doing a Diploma in Engineering in Computer Science from the University Polytechnic Jamia Millia Islamia (New Delhi), by profession, I am a part-time blogger, affiliate marketer, and entrepreneur.

I have been interested in subjects like mobile, social media, and the internet and spend most of my time on that.

No revenue, no traffic, no business. None of that mattered.

Thanking You,

What are ServeReviews all about?

  • Search Engine Optimization. Both On-page and Off-page
  • Video Marketing.
  • Graphics Marketing, Premade Graphics Packs, Mascot Materials.
  • Content Marketing – Content Optimization.
  • Email Marketing – List Building – Landing page system.
  • Traffic Generation – Lead Generation
  • Make Money Training Course/Packs/Tools
  • Conversion Rate Optimization
  • E-commerce Site Set Up and Optimize.
  • T-shirt Marketing
  • Sale Boosting Optimization
  • Social Marketing – Social Media.
  • Online Branding Building
  • WordPress Site Optimization: Themes, Plugins, Templates, Hosting, Domain,

Affiliate Disclaimer

This blog contains affiliate links. If you use them, I might be rewarded credit or a commission on the sale. Please note that I only recommend tools that I use and love and always have my reader’s best interest at heart.

It’s okay – I love all of these companies anyway, and you will too!